What Would Liz Lemon Do?

Mom, Apple geek, baseball fan, writer. Lover of all things Cleveland.

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Bad fashion choices and more about “Us”


Yes, Hands Across America was really a thing.

I just saw “Us”, the scary and brilliant new movie from Jordan Peele. I can’t get the movie out of my head and I need to share some thoughts about what I experienced. Don’t worry, no spoilers here, I promise.

  • I love the 80s flashback and, especially, the Hands Across America ad. Who could have ever predicted back in 1986 that, 30 years later, the event would figure in a shocking plot twist and some of the most striking and creepy imagery in a movie?
  • The first hour of the movie is filled with anxiety and scares…then things get *really* crazy. And right before it ends, the movie punches you in the gut, just for good measure.
  • If I see anybody in a red jumpsuit and sandals, I’m going to punch them right in the throat. I’m not taking any chances that they aren’t murderous doppelgängers.
  • All of the actors are terrific in pulling double duty playing two versions of their characters. But Lupita Nyong’o is next level. When she’s on the screen, you don’t just watch the movie, you feel it. Her performance is what makes that twist at the end really sting. And speaking of that twist…
  • I can’t do it! I can’t spoil the movie. I wish I could because I’m dying to talk about the ending! But, trust me, it’s a chiller and it will stay with you.

My advice to you if you want to see “Us”: avoid everything about the movie that you can. Don’t watch trailers or read reviews and, by all means, stay away from spoilers! Go in fresh, knowing as little as possible about the movie. You’ll be glad that you did.